USA Softball is committed to creating and upholding traditions of excellence in softball by building and maintaining a supportive and nurturing environment in which youth may grow, develop, and prosper. As part of its commitment, USA Softball developed Safe Softball as a foundation from which all participants in the softball softball community – athletes, coaches, umpires, administrators, or volunteers – plan an active role in creating an environment free form emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Safe Softball is a comprehensive program of policies and process, screening, education and training, reporting, monitoring, and enforcement designed to help participants detect and report abuse, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences.
Click here for more information on the U.S. Center for SafeSport
Will my report be confidential?
To the extent permitted by law, and as appropriate, USA Softball shall on request from the complainant keep the complainant’s name confidential, not make public the names of potential victims, the accused perpetrator, or the people who made a report of child physical and sexual abuse to the authorities.
Is there a fee for reporting?
No, there is no fee.
Can I report anonymously?
Anonymous reporting may make it difficult for USA Softball to investigate or properly address misconduct or abuse. However, USA Softball recognizes it can be difficult for an athlete, teammate, friend or family member to report an allegation of misconduct and strives to remove as many barriers to reporting as possible. Anonymous reports may be made without the formality of completing a Report Form:
- By phone to U.S. Center for SafeSport at 833-5US-SAFE
- By phone to USA Softball at Contact USA Softball at 405-425-3444
- Through email to USA Softball at
- Through your local USA Softball association – Find your local contacts
‘Whistleblower’ Protection?
Regardless of outcome, it is the policy of USA Softball to support the complainant(s) and his or her right to express concerns in good faith. USA Softball will not encourage, allow or tolerate attempts from any individual, group or organization to retaliate, punish, or in any way harm any individual(s) who reports a concern in good faith or otherwise participates in an investigation (e.g., a witness). Such actions against a complainant, witness or other complainant will be considered a violation of the USA Softball Safe Sport Program and grounds for disciplinary action, and may also be subject to civil or criminal proceedings.
Bad-Faith Allegations?
A report of abuse, misconduct or policy violation that is malicious, frivolous or made in bad faith is prohibited. Such reports will be considered a violation of the USA Softball Safe Sport Program and grounds for disciplinary action. Depending on the nature of the allegation, a person making a malicious, frivolous or bad-faith report may also be subject to civil or criminal proceedings.
Will my report be handled without bias?
Any person or organization that may have a conflict of interest because they are named in a complaint, are a witness to an allegation, are closely affiliated with the person accused of misconduct, or who may have other potential bias, are considered to have a conflict of interest in the i
Report a Concern
To report a concern, please complete the below form or email
Note on Jurisdiction: The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct. The Center may also exercise discretionary jurisdiction over and accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking and harassment), and MAAPP violations.