The USA Softball adult program has served as the backbone of the association since its formation in 1933 opportunities for men, women and coed in fast pitch, slow pitch, 16-inch slow pitch and modified pitch.

Fast Pitch Softball

Quick Facts
A 10th player, known as the Designated Player or DP, may be used in a starting lineup. A DP will bat in the lineup in lieu of a defensive-only player known as the Flex.
A windmill or “slingshot” underhand pitch is used to deliver the pitch.
Pitches can reach up to 65-70 for women while men can reach a top speed of 75-80.
The pitching arm may pass the hip twice but may not make two full revolutions.
Bases are set at 60′ apart.
Pitching distance is 43′ for women and 46′ for men
The minimum fence distance is 200′ for women and 225′ for men
How You Can Play
USA Softball annually conducts National Championships for both Men and Women while also providing Championship Play at the Masters and Senior levels.
USA Softball also recognizes the below levels of non-championship play. For more information on opportunities in your area, please contact your state/metro association.
- Local league (city or county): Weekly play often offered at the local level that are often facilitated by local Parks and Recreation departments throughout the year.
- Invitational: Tournaments conducted across the United States that are conducted and sanctioned by state/metro associations. Click here to find a list of adult slow pitch tournaments near you.

Click here to view USA Softball Adult Fast Pitch National Championships.
Players on the USA Softball Restricted Fast Pitch Player List may only play in the Major classification for Men’s Fast Pitch.
Per USA Softball’s code, the players on the restricted list were determined by the USA Softball Fast Pitch Restricted Player Committee and will be updated, modified and/or revised on a regular and continuous basis but will be finalized by June 1 for the current year’s National Championship Finals. Any appeals regarding the list should be made in writing to the player’s local commissioner who will forward it to the USA Softball National Office for further review by the committee. Please be sure to include statistics, teams played against and a reason why you feel you should be removed from the restricted player list.
USA Softball Men’s Fast Pitch Restricted Players List – Updated August 2022
Player/State | Player/State |
Abbott, Colin – Canada Albert, Tyler – Pennsylvania Bouley, Tyler – Minnesota Caballero, Javier – Florida/Cuba Carmona, Freddy – Texas Casely, Rhys – New Zealand Castillo, Kevin – California Christiansen, Jenner – California Cooley, Joel – Minnesota Crawford, Craig – Canada Davis, Yusef – California DeGroat Jr., Frank – New Jersey Diaz, Marco – California/Mexico Dudley, Tyler – Michigan Ellsworth, Jeff – Canada Folkard, Adam – Australia Gaiger, Michael – New Zealand Gareau, Korrey – BC, Canada Ghostkeeper, Chad – Canada Gibbons, Cody – Minnesota Gollan, Karl – New Zealand Goolagong, Jeffrey – Australia Gosse, Ward – Canada Gwizdala, Jon – Michigan Hale, Donny – New Zealand Hansen, Brian Heinlein, Chris – Missouri Hill, Jason – Canada Holoien, Dean – Canada Hoover, Andre – Pennsylvania Johnson, Tyler – Florida Jorgensen, Tim – Wisconsin Kahler, Barry – Florida Kennedy, Derrick – Texas Kilpatrick, Brad – Florida/Australia Kirkpatrick, Andrew – NY/Australia Koert, Paul – Minnesota LaLonde, Adam – Michigan Lammers, Brian – Indiana Laulu, Wayne – Wisconsin Lessard, Tex – Canada Levy, Dale – Canada Lewis, Jeff – Minnesota Lewis, Mike -Virginia Lukens, Owen – Pennsylvania Lynch, Jonathan – Missouri Makea, Thomas – New Zealand Mancha, Tony – New Mexico | Manley, Jeremy – New Zealand Mayson, Derek – Canada McLean, Stacey – New Zealand Medwedrich, Andrew – Canada Meshke, Brett – Minnesota Milheim, Blaine – Michigan Miljavac, Chris – Missouri Mitchell, Gentry – Utah Mullins, Nick – Florida Muizelaar, Gerald – ND/Canada Mullaley, Stephen – Canada Neemia, Aaron – Wisconsin Nowaczyk, Jeff – Michigan Nukanuku, Nathan – New Zealand Ochoa, Erick – California Ormsby, Glenn – Canada Palazzo, Matt – Iowa Pannebaker, Cody – Pennsylvania Patterson, Grant – Canada Pinniochio, Steve – Potskin, Evan – California Ratliff, Matt – Utah Reinhart, Brett – Wisconsin Rona, Brad – New Zealand Rosebush, Paul – Canada Rutt, Brandon – Pennsylvania Rutt, Dustin – Pennsylvania Rutt, Jerlin – Pennsylvania Saenz, Gil – Colorado Schellenberg, Kevin – Canada Schiller, Cameron – Arizona Schucker, Steve – New York Shannon, Heinie – New Zealand Shannon, Pat – New Zealand Schweyer, Rob – MN/Canada Shailes, Nick – Wisconsin Shaw, Zac – Missouri TeKulve, Bryce – Wisconsin Terkelsen, Freddy – Denmark Underhill, Nick – Canada Weiler, Duane – Pennsylvania Wilson, Travis – New Zealand Winters, Zeron – Australia Wolfe, Ryan – Canada |

Slow Pitch Softball

Quick Facts
A starting lineup consists of 10 players.
On defense, teams can place the additional fielder either on infield (known as the Middle Infielder) or in the outfield.
Teams may bat an 11th batter known as the Extra Player or EP. This player may only be used for offense.
The pitcher must deliver the ball towards home plate on the first forward swing of the pitching arm past the hip with an underhand motion.
The ball is delivered with perceptible arch and must reach a height of at least 6′ from the ground while not exceeding 10′ from the ground.
Bases are set at 70′ apart.
The pitching distance is 50′.
The minimum fence distance is 265′ for women, 275′ for coed and 300′ for men and senior divisions.
Adult 16-Inch Slow Pitch:
Participants play with a 16″ softball and do not use gloves or mitts.
The pitching rules are similar to Slow Pitch.
The pitching distance is 38′.
How You Can Play
USA Softball annually conducts National Championships for both Men and Women while also providing Championship Play at the Masters and Senior levels.
USA Softball also recognizes the below levels of non-championship play. For more information on opportunities in your area, please contact your state/metro association.
- Local league (city or county): Weekly play often offered at the local level that are often facilitated by local Parks and Recreation departments throughout the year.
- Invitational: Tournaments conducted across the United States that are conducted and sanctioned by state/metro associations. Click here to find a list of Adult Slow Pitch tournaments near you.

Adult Slow Pitch national championship info
Click here to view USA Softball Adult Slow Pitch National Championships.
Player Classification FAQs
What are the player ratings?
Each player is assigned one of the following ratings: RPL (Restricted Players List), A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E, No Rating (Player hasn’t been assigned a rating), SUSP (Player has been placed on Suspension)
How are ratings assigned?
Player data is downloaded and acquired from five (5) sanctioning bodies including USA Softball, Independent Softball Association (ISA), National Softball Association (NSA), World Softball League (WSL) and the United State Specialty Sports Association (USSSA).
Note: For ISA and WSL only championship teams and players are available and those teams and players are also reclassified to the next highest level. For USA Softball, NSA, and USSSA almost all Mandatory and Restricted rosters have been acquired dating back to 2005.
What does “R” or “M” next to my team name mean?
An “R” stands for restricted which means your team finished with a 2-2 record at Nationals or Worlds and it means that you and your team were “competitive” in that class. It also means you are not eligible to drop a class. If your team was in a national that was a 3GG bracket restricted is earned with a 3-2 record.
An “M” stands for mandatory which means your team was bumped (moved up) to the next highest classification. This means your team must compete in the next highest classification for a term of at least one season and participate in a National or World at that level.
How could my rating be moved up a level?
If your team finishes in the top 10% of your National or World Tournament, you will be bumped/moved up to the next highest classification.
Can I appeal my rating?
You can fill out an appeal form. A panel of national experts will review your appeal and render a decision in approximately four (4) weeks. You may only appeal once per playing season
Players on the USA Softball restricted slow pitch player’s list may only play Class A, Class AA and Super. Any team that participates in Men’s Class A may not have more than two (2) players from the USA Softball restricted slow pitch players list and any team that participates in the Men’s Class AA may not have more than five (5) players from the USA Softball restricted slow pitch player list.
Per USA Softball’s Code the players on the restricted list was determined by the USA Softball Slow Pitch Restricted Player Committee and will be updated, modified and/or revised on a regular and continuous basis but will be finalized by August 1 for the current year’s National Championship Finals. Any appeals regarding this list should be made in writing to the player’s local commissioner who will forward it to the USA Softball National Office for further review by the committee. Please be sure to include statistics, teams played against and a reason why you feel you should be removed from the restricted player list.
USA Softball Men’s Slow Pitch Restricted Players List – Updated June 2022
Player/State | Player/State |
Bryson Baker – California Kevin Bazat – Missouri Joseph Bennett – Georgia Davis Bilardello – Florida Jason Branch – Florida Cory Briggs – Arkansas Dale Brungardt – Washington Bradley Carlsen – Nevada Orlando Castillo – Florida Daniel Cayton – California Travis Clark – Wisconsin Andrew Collins – Florida Greg Connell – Georgia Argen Dodds – Texas Ben Dunn – Texas Patrick Ellwanger – Minnesota Jeff Flood – Oregon Chris Greinert – Maryland Neil Haglund – New York Donnie Hammonds – Florida Scott Hartling – New York Ryan Harvey – Florida David Johnson – California Bradley Jones – South Carolina Kevin Kennington – Florida Scott Kirby – Florida Steel Lewis – Canada Steven Lloyd – Florida Bubba Mack – Florida Jason Magnum – Georgia | Tyler Marshburn – North Carolina Jason Martel – North Carolina Phil Matte – Kentucky Jason Matusik – Florida Ryan McClanahan – California Zane Migues – Louisiana Chad Mullins – Kentucky Jon Nelson – Arizona Kyle Olsen – New York Ryan Parfitt – Pennsylvania Kyle Pearson – Florida Kyle Pearson – Louisiana Lee Powers – North Carolina Andy Purcell – Florida Richard Racobaldo – North Carolina John Radich – Ohio Luis Reyna – Florida Josh Riley – Kentucky Nick Santana – Florida Shannon Smith – Oklahoma Jordan Spaulding – Arizona Brady Stewart – Ohio Ryan Stovall – Florida Filip Washington – New York Brian Wegman – Ohio Everett Williams – Texas Johnathon Williams – Illinois Tyler Wilson – North Carolina Lawrence “Buddy” Wolf – Ohio Jeremy Yates – Florida |

Modified Pitch Softball

Quick Facts
No windmill or slingshot pitch is allowed. Rather, an underhand pitch is delivered.
For 9-Man Modified Pitch, at the release of the pitch the pitcher’s hips and shoulders must be squared to home plate.
For 10-Man Modified Pitch, at the release of the pitch the pitcher’s elbow must be locked at the point of release while their hips and shoulders must be squared to home plate.
The pitching distance is 43′ for women and 46′ for men.
How You Can Play
USA Softball annually conducts the Men’s 10-Man Modified Pitch National Championship while each state/metro association may offer additional opportunities for league or tournament play.

Click here to view USA Softball Modified Pitch National Championships.
Per USA Softball’s Code the pitchers on the Men’s 9-Man Major Modified Pitch teams will be determined by a pitchers list. The criteria for this list includes any foreign pitchers, any pitchers who appear on the ISC list in the Major Fast Pitch program, Men’s 9-Man Major Modified pitchers who won games at USA Softball National Championships, and any individual pitcher in a Class A National Championship Final who has won two games or more. Any appeals regarding this list can be forwarded to for further review by the USA Softball Modified Pitch Sub-committee.
Player | Player | Player | Player |
Abramson, John Acker, Lewis Adelaman, Aaron Alarcon, Fernando Algar, Paul Anderson, Bricklin Anderson, Greg Bahler, Roberto Baker, Brad Basaraba, Joey Bell, Terry Bennett, Mark Bergen, Ken Berube, Tom Bigelow, Chris Bishop, John Bishop, Mike Bonde, Thomas Boom, Chad Bouchard, Greg Boyd, J. Bryan Brand, Ryan Brooks, Lonnie Brown, Kevin Buff, Ancel Burke, Stoney Byrne, Darcy Cameron, Jeff Cameron, Thomas Careless, Kevin Cedeno, Luis Cheyne, Brad Clark, Dave Climenhaga, Dan Cloe, Marty Coleman, Derrick Contreras, Carlos Cowdrey, Jim Cox, Frank Craig, Brandon Crawford, Mike Daniels, Jack deBelleval, Jeremy Delpero, Neal Dotherty, Shane Doty, Gerald Downes, Terry Dubsky, Darren Dyck, Dewey Dyson, Kelly Egar, Kevin Elliot, Brad Escalona, Larry Ethier, Trevor Evans, Scott Farion, Jeff Ferry, Rick Fletcher, Isaac Florencia, Tito Folkard, Adam Foster, Shaun Francek, Matt Gaiger, Mike Garcia, John Gardener, Doug Gareau, Korrey Garrity, Gregg Gervasutti, Sebastian Gibson, Craig Gillard, Lee | Gillis, Doug Ginger, Bobby Goldsmith, Mike Gollan, David Gollan, Karl Goreske, Mark Gosse, Ward Grady, Kevin Graham, Pat Grant, Marty Grass, Rod Guerrinieri, Alberto Guerrinieri, Jose Hall, Jamie Hamaguchi, Tatsuya Hamilton, Greg Harry, Robert Heese, Richard Helgeson, Curtis Henderson, Verlando Hennigar, Jody Hernandez, Zolito Higgins, Mark Hillhouse, Bill Hoet, Ed Holmberg, Martin Holoien, Dean Howell, Jeff Humble, Adam Hunhoff, Tony Iida, Kunihiko Isaac, Dwayne Iuli, Jason Jackson, Andy Jackson, Steve Jacobs, Tim Johnson, Pat Johnson, Shawn Jones, John Kahts, Dion Kelly, Harold Kelly, Sean Kiefel, Kris King, Don Kirkpatrick, Andrew Kirkwood, Shane Klassen, Chad Koert, Paul Kohnle, Chris Kouka, Kyle Kourey, Danny Lang, Rick Langley, Steve Lato, Reno Lawton, Mike Lewis, David Lloyd, Kevin Long, Mark Lorange, Mike Luster, Terry MacCaree, Frank Macumber, Tim Madore, Rob Makea, Thomas Manley, Jeramy Manley, Regan Marks, Humphrey Martin, Haizley Martin, Jared Martin, Timmy | Martin, Todd Master, Brett Mata, Lucas Matos, Manuel Matzner, Quinton Maxwell, Dave Mayson, Brian McKenzie, Colin McKinney, Tyrone McLune, Jason McManus, Mike Meinhart, Alan Melotte, Mark Meredith, Pete Middleton, Doug Mikos, Steve Moreland, Glen Moyo, Tony Muizelaar, Gerald Murasato, Kazutaka Navarro, Manny Neese, Richard Newton, Bryan Newton, Greg Nishimura, Nobunori Noordermeer, Peter O’Brien, Rob Oles, Mark Oliver, Grant Panduro, Jasper Parker, James Parkhurst, Rusty Patterson, Grant Peeples, Tony Pena, Fred Perkins, Sonny Peters, Kelly Phipps, Todd Pidcock, Craig Piechnik, Mike Pinkston, Fred Planngger, Rick Planngger, Scott Platt, Steve Pleszciwicz, Jeff Pointon, Frank Pomeroy, George Potolicchio, Juan Price, Steve Price, Travis Quinn, Mark Quinn, Marty Ramirez, Mark Rawn, Chad Rebling, Al Reeves, Bobby Reichardt, Kevin Reynolds, Ray Richards, Brett Richardson, Tane Roberts, Mike Roberts, Rick Rodriguez, Mamoo Rojas, Rogelio Rosales, Luis Rouse, Curtis Rupp, Ron Rutledge, Earl Salerno, Eucledis Sabate, Sisko | Sandman, Pete Scheid, Hank Scheller, Rob Schweyer, Rob Scott, Dave Scott, Don Sebina, Petrus Shannon, Heinie Shedlock, Terrence Sheppard, Maurice Shook, James Simmons, Stephen Simoni, Joe Simpson, Jamie Singer, Dwayne Skillings, Dan Slaunwhite, Pat Sleep, Doug Smith, Jason Smith, Mark Smith, Mike Smith, Rick Smith, Todd Snow, Russ Sparvier, Wendel Speral, Jim Sterkel, Ron Sterkel, Steve Stevenson, Brent Stewart, Damian Stokes, Dave Sumptor, Scott Sutton, Greg Swanwick, Vince Tao, Steven Tau, Steve Thomas, Gary Thompson, Dan Thomson, Cody Torres, Manuel Tudoruk, Dave Turner, Jr Pete Underhill, Nick Underwood, Brad Urquhart, Brian Valachy, Danny Valenzuela, Richie Vanboekel, Mike Vandekerhove, Ron VanderArk, Duane VanWettering, Andy Vasquez, Nochola Villalobos, Alejandro Vrbensky, Lubos Wagar, Scott Wall, Dan Walters, Gene Wana, Jim Wardell, Trevor Wardlow, Kyle Warren, Kevin Wells, Wayne White, Mike Whitten, Sean Williams, Al Williams, Sean Wilson, Eric Zack, Darren Zuk, James |