The USA Softball youth program, also known as the Junior Olympic (JO) program, is among the nation’s largest youth sports organizations while providing recreational and competitive opportunities for boys and girls in both fast and slow pitch. Whether a player views softball as a new sport to learn, a way to have fun with friends or a path to the Olympics — the USA Softball youth program has something to offer. Foremost, the goal of the USA Softball youth program is to help aspiring young softball athletes learn a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime in a positive, safe and supportive environment.

Fast Pitch Softball

Quick Facts
A 10th player, known as the Designated Player or DP, may be used in a starting lineup. A DP will bat in the lineup in lieu of a defensive-only player known as the Flex.
A windmill or “slingshot” underhand pitch is used to deliver the pitch.
Pitches can reach up to 65-70 for women while men can reach a top speed of 75-80.
The pitching arm may pass the hip twice but may not make two full revolutions.
Bases are set at 60′ apart.
Pitching distance ranges from 35′ at 10-Under play to 43′ for 18-Under play for girls while boys pitching distance ranges from 35′ to 46′.
How You Can Play
Junior Olympic Fast Pitch is one of the largest divisions within the USA Softball grassroots program with both Boys’ and Girls’ National Championships conducted annually.
USA Softball also recognizes the below levels of non-championship play. For more information on opportunities in your area, please contact your state/metro association.
- Local league (city or county): Weekly play often offered at the local level that are often facilitated by local Parks and Recreation departments throughout the year.
- Invitational: Tournaments conducted across the United States that are conducted and sanctioned by state/metro associations. Click here to find a list of JO Fast Pitch tournaments near you.

USA Softball annually conducts National Championships for Girls’ Fast Pitch 10-Under to 18-Under in the Class A division in addition to the GOLD National Championships — the highest level of Championship Play for the 16-Under and 18-Under divisions. USA Softball also holds Boys’ Fast Pitch National Championships in the 10-Under to 18-Under divisions.
In addition to National Championship Finals, USA Softball also conducts Territorial Championship Finals for Class A and Class B JO Girls’ Fast Pitch in all four USA Softball territories. All teams who have not qualified for a Class A National Championship are eligible to qualify for a Territorial Championship through their state/metro association.
USA Softball also conducts Regional National Championship Finals for Class A, Class B and Class C of JO Girls’ Fast Pitch. All teams who have not qualified for a Class A National Championship are eligible for the Regional National Championship Final through their state/metro association.
These schedules are maintained by each state/metro association.

Slow Pitch Softball

Quick Facts
A starting lineup consists of 10 players.
On defense, teams can place the additional fielder either on infield (known as the Middle Infielder) or in the outfield.
The pitcher must deliver the ball towards home plate on the first forward swing of the pitching arm past the hip with an underhand motion.
The ball is delivered with perceptible arch and must reach a height of at least 6′ from the ground while not exceeding 10′ from the ground.
Bases are set at 60′ apart for boys and girls 10 and 12-Under levels while 65′ apart for boys and girls 14, 16 and 18-Under levels.
The pitching distance is 40′ for boys and girls 10-Under, 46′ for boys and girls 12-Under and 50′ for boys and girls 14, 16 and 18-Under.
How You Can Play
From National Championship to league play, there are a variety of levels you can become involved in Junior Olympic Slow Pitch!
At the National level, USA Softball conducts numerous JO Slow Pitch National Championships each year in both the Boys’ and Girls’ Slow Pitch divisions. USA Softball also recognizes the below levels of non-championship play. For more information on opportunities in your area, please contact your state/metro association.
- Local league (city or county): Weekly play often offered at the local level that are often facilitated by local Parks and Recreation departments throughout the year.
- Invitational: Tournaments conducted across the United States that are conducted and sanctioned by state/metro associations. Click here to find a list of JO Fast Pitch tournaments near you.

USA Softball annually conducts National Championships for Girls’ and Boys’ Slow Pitch in the 10-Under to 18-Under divisions.