Was a football referee and softball umpire for 33 years. Officiated high school basketball 17 years. Started umpiring in 1958. Served as ASA National Deputy UIC from 1967-1971 and was ASA National UIC from 1972-1980. Was National Rules Interpreter from 1981-1984 and international rules interpreter for nine years. Umpired 15 years, including 25 state, six regional, four military and five national tournaments. Was UIC for three ISF World Championships, assistant UIC for 1974 Women’s World Fast Pitch Championship, nine ASA nationals, the 1978 U.S. Olympic Festival and the 1979 Pan American Games. Conducted 280 clinics in 35 states and supervised clinics in seven foreign countries. In January 1996 issue of REFEREE magazine Mason was cited as one of 20 people who have most influenced sports officiating in the last 20 years. Retired from DuPont Company in 1985 after 30 years as a customer service manager. Former athletic director at Wilmington College in New Castle, DE for two years before retiring July 1, 2000. He was the assistant softball coach for 10 years. Tom Mason was born April, 1 1931. In 2007 was one of three ASA people named among 52 as most influential in officiating history by Referee Magainze. Mason passed away on December 15, 2014.