Max has been a long time supporter of ASA dating back to 1959 where he played and managed several softball teams in the southeast. Wilkes helped organized and serves as President of the Phenix City Umpire Association from 1968 to present. Wilkes served as Alabama ASA District 5 Umpire-In-Chief for over 30 years and currently still holds that position. He is a four-time President of Alabama ASA and three-time Alabama Umpire-In-Chief. From 1993-2006, he served as UIC for over 75 ASA National Championships. During his 25-years on the National Umpire Staff, he was responsible for the coordination of 350 National Championship Tournaments from the Southern Region. He received one of the highest honors when he served on the Atlanta Olympic Games staff for the first-ever Olympic Games. He also served ASA on several committees including the Slow-Pitch Playing Rules and Umpires, Master/Seniors and Junior Olympics and Playing Rules-Special Programs. Max passed away on October 18, 2012.