Was associated with softball for more than 40 years and served as Tennessee state commissioner for two decades. During his career served two terms as chairman of the Awards Committee and also served on Finance, Building and Hall of Fame Committees. In 1978, received award for registering most youth teams in ASA. In 1982, was director of the first Winston-ASA Slow Pitch All-Star Series. Under his leadership, Tennessee hosted 10 ASA national tourneys. In 1955 Spore received National Orchid for his outstanding work in recreation. The Dixie Softball Association honored Spore as Softball’s Best Friend. In 1971, he was recognized by the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association for 25 years of active officiating in football and basketball. Served four terms as president of the TSSAA officials. Was selected as Sportsman of the Year in 1982 by the Nashville BANNER. Spore is a Peabody College graduate and also has a Master’s degree from the same college. Spore died December 26, 1987 at age 69.